President Milanović with Ambassadors at “Diplomatic Grape Harvest” on Plešivica Hill

10. September 2024.

The President of the Republic Zoran Milanović, as host, participated in a “Diplomatic Grape Harvest” on Plešivica hill, organized for Heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in the Republic of Croatia. The organizer of the grape harvest is the town of Jastrebarsko, and this year’s “Diplomatic Grape Harvest” in Jaska was held in the vineyard of family Robert Braje in Lokošin Dol.

Welcoming the diplomats and the winemaking families hosting this year’s grape harvest, President Milanović highlighted the quality of the Braje family establishment. He noted that, along with the other winemaking families of the Plešivica area, they have made great strides in winemaking in the past ten years. He further said that the new generations of young people are being educated in order to continue this tradition. “Young people are getting an education according to some pattern, but not to be lawyers and philosophers, but to be winemakers “, said the President.

Diplomats accredited in the Republic of Croatia were greeted by the mayor of the town of Jastrebarsko Zvonimir Novosel, who, welcoming the guests to the most famous wine region, said that wine and winemaking without winemakers cannot exist or make sense. In this sense, he also greeted all the winemakers of the Plešivice area, who were also present at this year’s “Diplomatic Grape Harvest”, pointing out that winemaking in Jaska is a centuries-old tradition thanks to the people and their cooperation.

Before the grape harvest, winemaker and host Robert Braje welcomed the diplomats and said that winemaking is much more than work. “It is a vocation and a way of life that requires patience, effort and unreserved dedication to nature from winegrowers. Our family has been engaged in viticulture for generations, and each new grape harvest is a new beginning for us. It is an opportunity to reinvest our passion and love for wine and create something that will be inherited by generations after us,” said Mr. Braje.

The “Diplomatic Grape Harvest”, which is being held for the ninth time, has become a traditional event. It is an opportunity to promote not only the Plešivice region, but also Croatian culture and tradition linked to grape harvesting customs.

PHOTO: Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia / Tomislav Bušljeta, Filip Glas