President Milanović Urges Mutual Respect: Live your life and let others live theirs

19. September 2024.

The President of the Republic Zoran Milanović attended tonight the final evening of the National Ham Festival (“Nacionalna šunkijada”) in Stari Mikanovci, where awards were presented to local producers of Slavonian ham. During the event, President Milanović expressed his satisfaction in being part of this cherished tradition and voiced his support for the efforts of local producers.

President Milanović highlighted that, despite the challenges of political life, he never regretted entering politics, as it allowed him to get to know all of Croatia, including Slavonia. “Politics has given me the opportunity to truly get to know the entire country. That’s how I came to know Stari Mikanovci, Istria, Podravina, as well as the Kajkavian and Shtokavian regions. None of this would have been possible without this path in life, and for that, I feel richer as a person,” he said.

Speaking about different lifestyles, he emphasized the importance of mutual respect and honouring the choices of others, highlighting that he supports all ways of life as long as they are not imposed on others. “This should be a guiding principle for all of us, within certain limits, in how we live. So, live your life and let others live theirs,” he told the audience.

The President of the Republic particularly praised the presentation of Slavonian ham at this year’s National Ham Festival, noting that local products are of high quality and encouraging producers to be ambitious. “Good prosciutto has its audience and customers and sells at high prices. Why should you have fewer ambitions and smaller dreams? Why not pursue and achieve them?” concluded President Milanović, encouraging local producers to harness their potential.

In addition to President Milanović, several officials addressed the audience prior to the awards ceremony for ham producers, including Mario Milinković, Mayor of Stari Mikanovci, Franjo Orešković, Deputy Vukovar-Srijem County Prefect and Acting Vukovar-Srijem County Prefect, and Josip Dabro, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

The livestock association “UTVAJ” is the organizer of the National Ham Festival, which is being held this year for the eleventh time. The event aims to promote locally-made Slavonian ham as a cured meat specialty, with an emphasis on increasing traditional production and sales. It also seeks to establish standard quality values for Slavonian ham, initiate procedures for the protection of designations of origin and geographical indications, and educate producers. The festival is conducted in two parts: in the first, submitted ham samples are evaluated, and in the second, awards are presented at a ceremony for the producers.

President Milanović was accompanied by Bartol Šimunić, Head of the Cabinet of the President of the Republic, and Velibor Mačkić, Special Adviser to the President of the Republic for the Economy.

PHOTO: Office of the Presidnet of the Republic of Croatia / Dario Andrišek