President Milanović Receives Members of Sesvečice Croatian Folklore Society from Podravske Sesvete

10. November 2022.

The President of the Republic Zoran Milanović received today members of the Sesvečice Croatian Folklore Society from the Municipality of Podravske Sesvete on the Drava River.

The Sesvečice Croatian Folklore Society nurtures an original folklore tradition, which it successfully promotes both in Croatia and abroad. Society President Josip Bukovčan and Vice President Iva Barčan acquainted President Milanović with their activities, pointing out that traditional folklore has been the focus of their work since 1990, although the folklore tradition in Podravske Sesvete dates back to 1936 when the first public performance of the folklore group took place. Today, the Sesvečice Croatian Folklore Society has 35 active members. The youngest member is 4 years old and the oldest member is 78, it was said at the meeting.

In the past thirty years of activity, the members of the Sesvečice Croatian Folklore Society are especially proud of the honour that was bestowed on them in 1998, when they welcomed in local folk costumes Pope John Paul II in Zagreb and, in the same year, when they brought the first Christmas light to the newly liberated town of Vukovar. At their meeting with President Milanović, the members of the folklore society also performed the musical piece “Oj Sesvete.”

Special Adviser to the President of the Republic for Culture Zdravko Zima was alongside President Milanović.

PHOTO: Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia / Tomislav Bušljeta