President Milanović Pays Tribute to Civilian Victims of Nazi Crimes Committed in Lipa 80 Years Ago

30. April 2024.

The President of the Republic of Croatia participated today in the commemorative event “Lipa pamti 2024” [The Linden Remembers 2024] and paid tribute to the victims of Nazi crimes that were committed in the community of Lipa in 1944.

“What happened in Lipa 80 years ago was the pattern of behaviour of one army, the Wehrmacht. They did this whenever they could, and they could do it whenever they wanted, and they did it often. This crime was committed by an army that conducted itself in such a way towards all those they considered inferior. Over a hundred children were killed here,” said President Milanović.

Speaking about the crimes committed during the Second World War on the territory of Croatia, the President of the Republic emphasized that Germans and Italians killed with impunity, “especially the Italians and Italian fascists, because after the capitulation of Italy, none of the Italians, the occupiers and criminals in the area from Rijeka to Dalmatia, were held to account. Nobody was ever brought before the court.”

In his speech, President Milanović underscored the significance of honouring the victims and emphasized the vital role of solidarity and unity among people, regardless of differences. “Lipa was a partisan village. That was their choice, but also a risk. As such, it represented a certain type of military target, but not a target that you would come to set on fire and kill civilians,” warned the President, adding that the actions of the German army were “the worst that man can give, when you have the need to rise above someone because one is of a different religion, speaks a different language or is of a different nationality.”

“Therefore, regardless of the fact that Europe has its many flaws and is not perfect, it is our common home; to us Croats, Slovenes and Serbs who fought side by side with the Croats in that war. And for the Dalmatians who flocked to Istria in order to liberate the Croatian people. Those glorious Dalmatian divisions did one of the greatest things in the history of the Croatian people: they liberated Istria for Croatia. Eternal glory and gratitude to them for having done that,” he said at the end.

This year commemorates the 80th anniversary of the massacre in the village of Lipa, where one of the most horrific killings in the region occurred on 30 April 30 1944. During this tragic event, 280 villagers lost their lives in a span of just a few hours, among them 121 minors, while the village itself was set ablaze. The massacre was perpetrated by a group of 150 soldiers, comprising 80 German army members, 40 fascists, and 30 Chetniks.

Despite enduring profound suffering and wounds, the village was reconstructed following the Second World War, and today it is home to 125 inhabitants. Within the village stands a museum honouring the victims of the tragic event, known as the memorial centre “Lipa Pamti” [The Linden Remembers]. Through the restoration of this memorial centre, the memory of the unfortunate event is preserved. Annually, on the anniversary of the massacre, the “Lipa Pamti” event is held, ensuring that the tragedy that befell the community is never forgotten.

In addition to President Milanović, also speaking at the commemoration were the President of the Local Council of Lipa Đeni Šamanić, the President of the Alliance of Anti-Fascist Fighters and Anti-Fascists of Croatia Franjo Habulin, the Head of the Municipality of Matulji Vedran Kinkela, and Primorje-Gorski Kotar County Prefect Zlatko Komadina.

President Milanović was accompanied by Melita Mulić, Adviser to the President of the Republic for Human Rights and Civil Society, and Zdravko Zima, Special Adviser to the President of the Republic for Culture.

PHOTO: Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia / Dario Andrišek