President Milanović on Immigration: It’s the biggest challenge Croatia faces 

15. August 2024.

“After people, space is the greatest asset of this region and of Croatian tourism. This island, i.e. the largest part of the inhabited area of ​​the island, is mature and spatially defined because it has passed its formative period. In the last thirty years, apart from constant work on improvements, there have been no major five-year interventions and new non-building projects, more or less it has remained as it was then. I look at this island and admire it. This should be preserved”, the President of the Republic Zoran Milanović stated last night at the special session of the Municipal Council of Jelsa, on island of Hvar, where he is staying on the occasion of Municipal Day and the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Speaking further about Jelsa, President Milanović believes that the current limits that this area can withstand are sufficient, otherwise saturation would occur. “You should strive for better, better quality, something special, be aware of what our strong assets are, and they are the sun and the sea that nature and God have given us. This is a competitive advantage of Croatia that other countries generally do not have. Therefore, we should guard it jealously with all our might and think about it every day. We are good at it, you are, and it is up to us to refine it and not botch it up,” he said.

In his address, the President of the Republic said that the arrival of foreigners is a reality and at the same time the biggest challenge Croatia faces. “Our population is declining and we can give in to moral panic and talk about Croatia’s demise, but the number of Croatian people will not increase in the coming period. It’s not realistic to expect that,” he said.

“Wars in the east between Russia and Ukraine, crimes in Gaza, murders, war crimes – these are all things that we are watching, but from which, if we are a little smart, we will get out and mind our own business. However, this concerns us because we are a small country with a special culture. The process of the arrival of foreigners to our country should be strictly defined, measured and observed from all sides with the aim of making them learn the language and accept the local culture, but I am not including religion”, stressed President Milanović, adding that we must adapt to reality because we need people.

“We will have to roll up our sleeves and teach our children and grandchildren about it,” he concluded.

Speaking at the special session in addition to President Milanović were the president of the Municipal Council of Jelsa Jure Gurdulić, the head of the Municipality Nikša Peronja and the Minister of Health Vili Beroš. On the occasion of Municipal Day public recognitions and awards were presented to deserving individuals and organizations.

Alongside President Milanović was the Head of the Cabinet of the President Bartol Šimunić and the Adviser to the President for Education Jadranka Žarković.

PHOTO: Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia / Tomislav Bušljeta