President Milanović on election results: no major changes in relations with Croatia

27. September 2021.

The President of the Republic Zoran Milanović commented in Split on the Security and Intelligence Agency’s (SOA) latest annual report. Asked by the press if there is any threat to national security, and whether he or his Office were in danger given SOA’s latest annual report, he replied that there are always challenges and things that have to be worked on, but that he wouldn’t say that the Office or he were in danger.

“There are things that we can and cannot control. There are things that we do not know. We see that people and systems are slow to react even things that are obvious. Croatia can be at peace more than ever before. This is the first time that the Croatian political community, the Croatian state has authority, equal to territory, from Prevlaka to the Gulf of Piran. This is the first time, which is important, and commitment and responsibility. It costs. More has to be invested in the army, and not reduce the budget, otherwise we will not be able to maintain all of the equipment being purchased. It costs, we pay for it, it is not only an airplane, there is ammunition, supplies”, President Milanović stated.

For the latest situation in Kosovo, he said that it does not threaten us directly, but we are watching. Commenting on relations between Serbia and Kosovo, he said: “It will be difficult for both with such a stance to make progress toward the EU, meaning Serbia, because Kosovo has unfortunately not yet been recognized by all EU member states. This is an obstacle we have been witnessing for years. It is difficult to get over it. I can also call for de-escalation. Kosovo has reciprocated by a measure implemented by Serbia for the past twenty years. Who is escalating in this situation, I do not know”, the President stated.

President Milanović also commented on the election in Germany, saying that this is not a victory of twenty years ago when Schröder won convincingly or Angela Merkel at the last election, or the 2005 election result when Merkel and Schröder practically had the identical number of votes. “These are slim victories and slim results. A rearrangement has occurred, a totally new balance of power, esentially different on the German political scene. It will be a tripartite coalition, and by all accounts the new government will be formed by the Social Democrats. There will not be any major changes in German politics, towards Europe and towards Croatia, at least I do not see that major changes should occur. Angela Merkel’s sixteen years have come to a close, a good sixteen years, all of it will be analyzed, there will many different views. She made a good impression on me, but in politics things are complex, many things could have been different, however Germany now evidently has an orientation toward moderate leaders and a steady style in politics given that they have experienced everything in history, and others have experienced a great deal from them too. That is good”, President Milanović stated.

The press asked President Milanović to comment on tacitly accepted overdrafts and the 850,000 citizens who have such overdrafts. “I am aware that the Croatian National Bank is dealing with this issue as are other central banks. But this is such a political issue that it should be the task of the Government, the political authority and Parliament. It is nice for the National Bank to be concerned about the consumers, but the Law on Consumer Protection, which should regulate such situations are adopted by other institutions. The National Bank should primarily deal with the stability of banks, but this does not impact on the stability of banks but on the stability of individuals and families. I am sure they will find some solution. If I solved the Swiss franc issue, then they will also solve this issue. The banks must make profits, they have come to the point from exploiting people to having smaller profits, therefore the banks need space. They have to be given guidelines indicating what they may and may not do. If you allow them to do at their will, they will always take something from you. They will invent fees”, the President said.