President Milanović in Brčko: A war does not threaten BiH, the danger for BiH is to lag behind while the world moves forward

11. May 2024.

The President of the Republic Zoran Milanović attended a ceremony in Brčko today marking the 32nd anniversary of the establishment of the 108th Ravne Brčko Infantry Brigade of the Croatian Defence Council (HVO). Prior to the ceremony in the Croatian Cultural Centre “Napredak”, President Milanović paid tribute to all the fallen defenders by laying a wreath and lighting a candle at the memorial to the 108th Infantry Brigade of the Croatian Defence Council in Brčko.

“You defended Bosnia and Herzegovina, you defended your home. You defended it along with all those who were ready and brave enough to defend it – Bosniaks, presumably with some Serbs too who live together in this town and try to forget or do not dwell on events of the past and build a normal and better life. I fully support you in doing so, life must go on”, President Milanović said in his address.

President Milanović noted that Bosnia and Herzegovina must survive as a state, be satisfied and self-sufficient. “And the means to achieve this goal – membership in international associations, in the European Union – will be decided by the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina. If it is and if they feel it’s good for them they have act together to achieve it. Those solutions cannot come for outside”, President Milanović stated.

In terms of the Homeland War, he said it was difficult, and the conflict between Croats and Bosniaks, in his view, was one of the biggest disasters of that war, and a disaster for Croatian national interests. “That misfortune and horrendous outcome was avoided here. It was prevented in Tuzla and in Brčko that is why we are here today. This is one nation, a nation made up of several peoples and if they can live here then they can live throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina”, he stated and added that Croats and Bosniaks must be clever, must take responsibility, show foresight and be sceptical based on the experience of ’93 and ’94 when they were smart enough not to enter a conflict and unnecessary misunderstandings.

“Today that danger no longer exists. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country that has no real weapons which is good. A war does not threaten Bosnia and Herzegovina despite the hot heads, that won’t happen. But what is equally dangerous for Bosnia and Herzegovina is stagnation, lagging behind and being idle while the world is moving forward”, President Milanović stated in concluding his address.

On the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the establishment of the Croatian Defence Council held this April in Knin, President Milanović bestowed the Order of Nikola Šubić Zrinski upon the 108th Ravne Brčko Brigade of the Croatian Defence Council for the demonstrated prowess of its members in the Homeland War.

Speaking at the ceremony apart from President Milanović were the war commanders of the 108th Ravne Brčko Infantry Brigade of the Croatian Defence Council Ivo Filipović and Martin Frančešević, the Adviser and delegate of the Defence Minister of the Republic of Croatia Major General Željko Živanović and the State Secretary in the Ministry of Croatian Defenders, the delegate of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia and of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Croatian Defenders Špiro Janović.

Alongside President Milanović was the Special Adviser to the President for Homeland War Veterans Marijan Mareković.

PHOTO: Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia / Dario Andrišek