President Milanović at formal dinner with emigrants in Antofagasta: The influence of Croats in Chile exceeds their share in the population
“Today we can proudly say that many Croats and their descendants are respectable members of the Chilean society. Descendants of Croatian emigrants are everywhere from the highest political institutions, the Church, the army, business, to culture and sports. Perhaps nowhere in the world as in Chile are so many Croats and Croatian descendants present at all levels of society and it is not unusual that the presence and influence of Croats in Chile exceed their share in the total population. With pride we can say that even the current President of Chile Gabriel Boric Font has Croatian roots”, the President of the Republic Zoran Milanović stated at the formal dinner with members of the Croatian community in Antofagasto, Chile on Saturday.
Attending the formal dinner organized on the occasion of the Official visit of the Croatian President was a large number of Croatian emigrants and their descendants from northern Chile. In his address President Milanović highlighted the fact that Croats in Chile established a strong and recognizable Croatian community of which Croatia and he are very proud.
“Despite the distance that by no means is small and all the changes they had to adjust to in their new homeland, the Croatian people in Chile preserved their national identity through generations and maintained strong ties with the Homeland”, he noted, and underlined the active contribution of Croats of Chile to the fight for Croatia’s freedom, independence and international affirmation.
“This was demonstrated in the years of the establishment of an independent Croatia and its defence and liberation in the Homeland War. Then, the Croats of Chile together with the entire Croatian diaspora stood by their people in the Homeland and, collectively and individually, supported the fight for freedom and independence”, President Milanović recalled and added that we will always be grateful to the Croatian diaspora and the Croatian defenders for all they have done in the establishment of Croatia.
“I use this opportunity to thank all of you for everything you are doing and will do in order to preserve your national identity, and for your work and contribution to the welfare of Chile –further strengthening the already close ties between Croatia and Chile”, President Milanović stated in concluding his address.
On behalf of the host, the honorary consul of the Republic of Croatia to the Republic of Chile in Antofagasta Marko Buzolić welcomed the guests. Among the guests was the mayor of Antofagasta as well. The entertainment at the formal dinner was provided by the “Tri sulara” klapa, which sang songs from Dalmatia and by dancers from the club of Croatian emigrants.
PHOTO: Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia / Tomislav Bušljeta