President Milanović at Croatian Academic Sports Association ceremony: Children should be more involved in sports

07. February 2024.

“We have heard that the Government invests many millions of euros in sports, I think that the City of Zagreb also invests in sports, and this should be reflected in that more children are involved in sports and are more on the playgrounds “, the President of the Republic Zoran Milanović said in his address at a ceremony announcing the 2022-2023 top athletes of the Croatian Academic Sports Association – Unisport Stars, and marking 30 years of the Association’s activities.

He reminded that schools used to gather children en masse for sports, and added that it was not a top sport. “Top sport is not for everyone. If it were, it wouldn’t be called elite and wouldn’t be special, but sport as a way of life, a desire to succeed and ultimately better health – sport is a great thing,” he pointed out.

Saying that he supports the Government’s and the cities’ investments in mass sports, President Milanović indicated that top sports are not equally rewarded. In this sense, he said that he had the opportunity to amend the Law on Sports and introduce rewards for deserving athletes, medal winners at European and world championships and Olympics, which did not exist until then.

“A gesture that will allow a number of people, a small number of top athletes, because there are few top athletes, and among them very few who have won major medals, to have a dignified old age”, President Milanović said at the closing event of the Croatian Academic Sports Association, where prizes and recognitions are awarded to the most successful student-athletes, as well as to individuals responsible for the development of university sports in the previous competitive season.

At this year’s Unisport Stars ceremony, awards were given in the following categories: in the category of an individual deserving of contributing to the development of academic sports, Martina Krajpl in the women’s competition and Franjo Gucić in the men’s competition were awarded; in the category of a team responsible for contributing to the development of academic sports in the women’s competition, the Karate team of the University of Rijeka was awarded; in the category of a team responsible for contributing to the development of academic sports in the men’s competition, the Kickboxing team of the University of Zagreb was awarded.

Josip Kostelić was awarded for coach/trainer at a higher education institution deserving for his contribution to the development and promotion of student sports in the Republic of Croatia. In the category of physical education and sports teacher at a higher education institution deserving for their contribution to the development and promotion of student sports in the Republic of Croatia Svetlana Božić Fuštar and Zoran Vladović were awarded.

Nevena Oreščanin won an award for volunteer of the year, Andrea Pavlović won an award in the Fair Play category, and Juraj Gamulin won a lifetime achievement award. Paula Novina in the women’s category and Luka Baković in the men’s category were awarded in the category of an individual deserving of contribution to the development of student sports in the Republic of Croatia for athletes with disabilities.

Also speaking at the ceremony besides President Milanović were the president of the Croatian Academic Sports Association Haris Pavletić, the rector of the University of Split Dragan Ljutić, and the Minister of Tourism and Sports and delegate of the Prime Minister Nikolina Brnjac, and the former president of CASA, Zrinko Čustonja thanked for the special awards presented to all former presidents and general secretaries of CASA.

Alongside President Milanović was the Commissioner to the President for Sports Željko Jovanović.

PHOTO: Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia / Tomislav Bušljeta