No one from the Office of the President, and certainly not President Milanović himself, has requested the laying of “planks for the red carpet” at the Knin Fortress
Given that Hanžar Media, a fifth column gang, is working hard to also desecrate Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and Croatian Defenders Day by writing lies about preparations for the solemn reception of wartime commanders, to be held on 4 August at the Knin Fortress, the Office of the President of the Republic is forced to respond to these fabrications and insinuations.
No one from the Office of the President of the Republic – and certainly not President Milanović himself – has ever requested the laying of “planks for the red carpet” at the Knin Fortress, as was insinuated by the political mercenaries of Hanžar Media. Members of the President’s Protocol staff arrived today at the Knin Fortress for preparations and noticed that the soldiers were installing OSB boards. They immediately cautioned that these boards are neither necessary nor appropriate. After that, the OSB boards were removed, but they will be used for the previously envisaged media podium, where the representatives of Hanžar Media will be standing if they come to the Knin Fortress at all. Because, they are not interested in observing the Military and Police Operation Storm with dignity, but only in kissing up to those who enable them to siphon money from the state budget.
It is sad, although not surprising, that this media gang has no respect for Croatian defenders and soldiers, and it cannot even provide coverage of the biggest national holiday dedicated to Croatian liberty with professionalism of the bare minimum requirement. In fact, you should expect nothing more from those who assembled their high-impact media throng through fraud.