Andrej Plenković no longer hides his intention to prevent European prosecutors from revealing the role of AP and his associates in corrupt activities

13. March 2024.

Ivan Turudić was sworn in today in the Croatian Parliament as the State Attorney General of the Republic of Croatia – a man who should never have been nominated, let alone elected. He was elected to this position thanks to Andrej Plenković, who nominated him, and the will of the parliamentarians subjugated to him and bought by him, who on 7 February 2024 agreed to humiliate not only themselves and the Croatian Parliament, but also to diminish the role and the purpose for the existence of the State Attorney’s Office of the Republic of Croatia (DORH).

From the very beginning, from the start of the procedure for the election of the State Attorney General, as early as 5 January, the President of the Republic warned that DORH can uphold its constitutional position and fulfil its duties only if an individual is appointed who is entirely politically and party-independent, possesses proven expertise, and maintains an untarnished personal and professional reputation. Because, only such a State Attorney General can ensure the implementation of DORH’s main task, which is to consistently fight against corruption, independent of the authorities, and tackle crime, favouritism and the misuse of public money.

As announced earlier, the President of the Republic – after Plenković proposed Ivan Turudić – continued to publicly and clearly warn that this individual could not be elected as the State Attorney General because his selection would entirely jeopardize the constitutional position of DORH as an independent body. Moreover, the President of the Republic personally provided Andrej Plenković with documents from the Security and Intelligence Agency confirming that Ivan Turudić, as a judge of the Zagreb County Court, violated all norms of judicial office by associating with individuals under indictments of that same court.

At the same time, it was revealed and publicly disclosed that this was not an isolated incident, but rather a pattern of behaviour exhibited by Ivan Turudić, who for years socialized, corresponded, and provided services to individuals from both political and criminal circles. And that wasn’t all; it was proven that he lied to both the public and parliamentary representatives, the very ones who later elected him to the position of State Attorney General. He did all of this without any sense of shame, confirming that he is a person willing to lie, associate with suspects, and favour criminals, while not hiding his political dependence on the HDZ party.

However, none of this bothered or hindered Andrej Plenković in his determination to forcefully and at any cost install such an individual in DORH before the elections for the Croatian Parliament. Now it is presumably clear to everyone that the imminent elections were the main reason for this urgent and forceful action of party occupation of DORH. Andrej Plenković had to place HDZ’s “boy,” as Ivo Sanader once affectionately referred to him, at the helm of DORH to pre-empt and prevent any potential investigation against the corrupt and criminal group of people led by AP, and we all know that’s Andrej Plenković.

Andrej Plenković no longer hides his intention to prevent the revelation of the role of AP or his closest associates in corrupt and criminal activities. Even before Ivan Turudić took the oath, both of them had already targeted the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, whose investigation had come close to AP. For weeks, Andrej Plenković has been threatening European prosecutors and driving them away from his doorstep, publicly calling out and blackmailing DORH and USKOK (Office for the Suppression of Corruption and Organised Crime), while intimidating the media by placing Ivan Turudić in charge of Lex AP as a clear warning.

Unfortunately, their attacks are already yielding results, with USKOK and DORH beginning to seriously question the jurisdiction of European prosecutors in a case that greatly worries Andrej Plenković. Even the State Attorney General, Zlata Hrvoj Šipek, confirmed today that she received instructions on how to handle the European Public Prosecutor’s Office directly from the Government, from Plenković’s unpunished residence faker, Zvonimir Frka Petešić.

Andrej Plenković has now removed his Brussels mask and shown everyone that he is a political tyrant who is willing to continue subjugating anyone in Croatia who thinks independently. European values were merely a career passport to Brussels for Andrej Plenković, who remains a lackey who will question Brussels’ orders only if they don’t align with his personal interests, as in the case of the European Prosecutor.

The unethical judge, proven liar, favourite of the criminal underworld, and politically dependent on the HDZ – who was sworn in today as the State Attorney General – is precisely the yardstick of values that define Andrej Plenković today. However, for Croatia, this signifies a path towards the bottom of democratic and civilizational values, which will cost it dearly. Therefore, steadfast and unwavering resistance to the established tyranny of Andrej Plenković must continue.