President Milanović after Meeting with Member of BiH Presidency Bećirović: It is in Croatia’s interest for BiH to be a factor of stability and a member of the EU

11. May 2023.

“I am pleased that after a long pause we are holding talks at the highest level on serious issues. We do not have an emergency situation, but the issues are serious because future relations – whether they will be normal, civilized and in Croatia’s interest – depend on the resolution of these issues. It is in Croatia’s interest for Bosnia and Herzegovina to be a factor of stability and a member of the EU within a reasonable period, which above all depends on Bosnia and Herzegovina,” the President of the Republic Zoran Milanović said after meeting with the Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Denis Bećirović, who on Thursday paid a working visit to Croatia.

“I came to Croatia first and foremost to send a message that it is time to relax and improve bilateral ties between our two countries. It is time to build bridges of friendship because the citizens of the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina cooperate well and I think that the political representatives of our two countries should look up to our citizens. I want us to improve bilateral relations and to build them on the principles of sovereign equality, equal relations and dialogue. We agree on some things, on others we don’t agree, but that’s why we want to intensify our dialogue and discuss open issues,” the Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina said after the meeting.

Mr. Bećirović pointed out that Croatia is a very important foreign trade partner for BiH since the total trade exchange between the two countries in 2022 stood at two billion and 800 million euros. “It is in our common interest, of both our citizens and entrepreneurs, to further intensify economic cooperation,” said Mr. Bećirović, adding that at the meeting the security situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region was also discussed.

“I won’t hide the fact that in BiH we have a politician who, unfortunately, has transformed from a political to a security threat. That politician is Mr. Milorad Dodik. He must be stopped in his anti-Dayton, unconstitutional policy. It is time everyone in BiH and elsewhere realised that. It’s better to prevent it than let the problems in BiH escalate,” said Mr. Bećirović, adding that BiH has adopted the strategic and foreign policy goals of full membership in the EU and NATO, and good regional cooperation.

Journalists asked President Milanović to comment on his guest’s claims that Mr. Milorad Dodik is a threat to security. “Milorad Dodik is a collocutor. Who should be the collocutor, if not someone who is a legitimate representative of that people, one of the three constituent peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” President Milanović replied. He explained his view that BiH lacks the money, weapons and personnel to wage war, but if it should come down to this, the President said he would be “equally concerned as Mr. Bećirović.” “If there are no means or no significant means, then I will consider [Mr. Dodik’s statements] to be irresponsible outbursts,” added the President.

When asked if it would have been better and more appropriate if all three members of the BiH Presidency participated in the visit, President Milanović said: “The problem is Mr. Komšić and the way he was elected. It is truly a travesty of the voters’ will. That should not be allowed anymore. There was no understanding, will and interest to change that, and there was no pressure by the Croatian state, which is legitimate and necessary in that regard. This is about fundamental rights and therein lies the problem,” said President Milanović, concluding that once this changes the Croats in BiH will be represented in a dignified and realistic manner.

PHOTO: Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia / Dario Andrišek, Marko Beljan